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Melon Piel de Sapo Andalusia

Updated: Aug 26, 2020

The spanish Melon (Piel de Sapo melón) Story Farm


Piel de Sapo is the favoured melon of Spain. These melons are elongated with a tough green skin, speckled with yellow and brown (like a toad, hence the name). The flesh is a pale-yellow green which is usually quite soft and juicy, with excellent sweetness and fragrance in a good sample. Similar to Yellow Honeydew in shape, these melons have a good shelf-life at cool room temperature.  


Cultivated in fertile Andalucian lands, sun-drenched and surrounded by water, there is no better place in Europe to grow melons and provide all the nutrients and health benefits. Especially keep cool to keep you the best sweet taste in your palate of flavors and mouth.  


Melons originated in Africa or in the hot valleys of Southwest Asia, especially Iran and India, from where they gradually began to appear in Europe toward the end of the Western Roman Empire. Melons are known to have been grown by the ancient Egyptians. However, recent discoveries of melon seeds dated between 1350 and 1120 BC in Nuragic sacred wells have shown that melons were first brought to Europe by the Nuragic civilization of Sardinia during the Bronze Age. Melons were among the earliest plants to be domesticated in both the Old and among the first crop species brought by westerners to the New Worlds.Early European settlers in the New World are recorded as growing honeydew and casaba melons as early as the 1600s.A number of Native American tribes in New Mexico, including Acoma, Cochiti, Isleta, Navajo, Santo Domingo and San Felipe, maintain a tradition of growing their own characteristic melon cultivars, derived from melons originally introduced by the Spanish. Organizations like Native Seeds/SEARCH have made an effort to collect and preserve these and other heritage seeds.  


It is the ideal fruit to eat when you spend the entire morning in the sun because it is refreshing and it helps to reintegrate the loss of mineral salts due to sweating. In addition, it is very rich in potassium which is good for your heart. Its main quality is the high concentration of vitamins A and C: just 200 grams of melon, in fact, contain 60 mg of vitamin C which is good to strengthen the immune system and protect the skin.

  • Rich in Nutrients. ...

  • May Help Reduce Blood Pressure. ...

  • Contains Nutrients Vital to Bone Health. ...

  • May Improve Blood Sugar Control. ...

  • Rich in Electrolytes and Water. ...

  • May Support Healthy Skin. ...

  • May Boost Your Immune System. ...

  • May Promote Proper Digestion...

  Fills You Up Without Many Calories A 1/2-cup serving of the canary melon has 25 calories, and with just 0.3 calorie per gram, it's a low-energy-dense food you can fill up on without going overboard on calories. Keeps You Regular Melons are an excellent source of fiber, with 10 grams per 1/2-cup serving. One serving of this sweet fruit meets more than 25 percent of your daily needs. Protects Against Free Radicals Melons are high in vitamin C, meeting 50 percent of the daily value. Supports Healthy Vision In addition to being a good source of vitamin C, canary melons are also rich in vitamin A. A 1/2-cup serving meets 50 percent of the daily value for vitamin A.




Barriada Ortiz Recio, La Pelusa

29540 - Bobadilla Estación

Malaga Province -Spain

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