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Garlic Andalusia


    Garlic (Allium sativa ), is a plant with long, flat grasslike leaves and a papery hood around the flowers. ... The stalk rises directly from the flower bulb, which is the part of the plant used as food and medicine. The bulb is made up of many smaller bulbs covered with a papery skin known as cloves.


    Allium sativum is a perennial flowering plant growing from a bulb, it has a tall, erect flowering stem that grows up to 1 m (3 ft). The leaf blade is flat, linear, solid, and approximately 1.25–2.5 cm (0.5–1.0 in) wide, with an acute apex.

    The plant may produce pink to purple flowers from July to September in the Northern Hemisphere. The bulb is odoriferous and contains outer layers of thin sheathing leaves surrounding an inner sheath that encloses the clove. Often the bulb contains 10 to 20 cloves that are asymmetric in shape, except for those closest to the center.

     If garlic is planted at the proper time and depth, it can be grown as far north as Alaska.It produces hermaphrodite flowers. It is pollinated by bees, butterflies, moths, and other insects.



    Cultivated in fertile Andalucian lands, sun-drenched and surrounded by water, there is no better place in Europe to grow garlic and provide all the nutrients and health benefits. Especially keep cool to keep you the best sweet taste in your palate of flavors and mouth.



    The Garlic was first developed from wild Allium longicuspis in Central Asia, about 5,000–6,000 years ago.

    Garlic is one of the oldest known food flavoring and seasoning plant that managed to infuse itself into culinary tradition of many civilizations across the world. It started its journey in central Asia, domesticated during Neolithic times, spread to the Middle East and northern Africa in 3000 BC, which quickly enabled it to reach Europe.

    By offering its unique nutritional value and wide array of medicinal benefits, this plant was quickly identified as one of the most precious gifts of our nature, which was expanded with selective breeding into wide array of popular garlic types that are currently used all over the world.

    The incredible journey of garlic through our history touched every major civilization of the ancient world, but its true origins lie in West and Central Asia.


    The native land of garlic is Middle Asia.There are a range of beliefs as to the exact origin of garlic such as that it originates from West China, around Tien Shan Mountains to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The Egyptians were familiar with many medicinal, aromatic, spicy plants.



    In Asia garlic was viewed more as medical ingredient than a food seasoning plant.

    It’s packed with vitamins B and C, manganese, selenium, iron, copper and potassium. Garlic may be small, but its benefits are mighty. In fact, this little vegetable gives you a lot more than just bad breath. It also gives you allicin, an oily chemical compound found in garlic that packs a superfood punch.


    Promotes heart health

     “Garlic has been shown to exert cholesterol- and triglyceride-lowering actions,”.

    Contains cancer-fighting characteristics

    Potentially combats the common cold

    Acts as a natural antibiotic

    Clears your skin


    Garlic offers immune support

    It can boost heart health

    Garlic fights high blood pressure

    It can protect from cancer

    Garlic supports brain health

    It's good for your gut

    It improves bone health


    Garlic Andalusia



      Barriada Ortiz Recio, La Pelusa

      29540 - Bobadilla Estación

      Malaga Province -Spain

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